
We know a lot about what kids need to thrive. I translate the research for parents & caregivers, making it simple and practical.

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About Deborah

Deborah Farmer Kris is a child development expert and the author of "Raising Awe-Seekers: How the Science of Wonder Helps Our Kids Thrive,” the I See You board book series, and the All the Time picture book series. Her bylines include CNN, PBS KIDS, NPR’s Mindshift, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe Magazine, and Oprah Daily. Deborah is currently an expert advisor for the PBS KIDS show, “Carl the Collector,” and spent 20+ years as a K-12 educator. Mostly, she loves sharing nuggets of practical wisdom that can make the parenting journey a little easier.

Coming May 2025

“Deborah Farmer Kris’s urgently needed book, Raising Awe-Seekers, offers an inspiring roadmap for bringing more awe into your children’s lives and for finding more awe as the caregiver that you are.

In this age of anxiety, there is nothing more important for caregivers to do, and no better path than reading this book.”

—Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at UC Berkeley, author of Awe: The Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life

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